I am getting close to being done. Today we did a dry fit mock up and put her on a new trailer. all new custom woodnew trailer
I am getting close to being done. Today we did a dry fit mock up and put her on a new trailer. all new custom woodnew trailer
My 15' is coming along, we are now just waiting on the wood to come in. then the project will go into full speed. she is looking good!
Work officially started yesterday for just about 2 hours... Scrapping and boring out holes for epoxy and some sanding. This will be amazing when done
Earlier this summer I bought a 2003 Sport 130 (not Super Sport) hull that had been cut in half by a dealer as a demonstration. I successfully rejoined the hull and have the boat on the water. While there are lots of Whalers around here, I dont know...
I just picked up a 1983 15' sport. wanted to poll the whaler family here to see who has refit one? looking to do from top-bottom new motor and all! love to see what you did !