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I want to give a HUGE shout out...

Guest Contributor
I want to give a HUGE shout out to the Prince William Marina Service Department. Mark and Mike really know how to take care of "family".

We were preparing to leave yesterday for a 3 day trip. I started the generator and after a few seconds, it would shutdown. I figured the inpeller was bad, but I have never changed one before. A quick call to Mark, and Mike was at my boat in a few short minutes. 40 minutes later, we were up and running. And the lesson was invaluable!!!!

Thanks PWM!

Guest Contributor
Fantastic folks at Prince William Marina!

Guest Contributor
I just bought my Sea Ray 540CMY from an individual at Prince William Marina last month with the plan to quickly cruise it to my home in Buffalo, NY. Although the service department was extremely busy, Mark was able to get my survey scheduled to accommodate my tight time frame and Mike was immediately available to change the props as the boat hung on the boat lift. PWM attitude is customer first, and that is really true.