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Is the BW installed Nauti-On monitoring system now useless?

Guest Contributor

my 2017 345 Conquest came with the Nauti-On monitoring system installed.  A few years ago use of that system switched over from stand-alone to integration with the BW My Whaler app.  Now, the BW My Whaler app only appears to recognize monitoring data only if I installed the "VesselView Mobile" device.  Even if I go through the expense of adding the VesselView mobile (relatively inexpensive by itself but need to purchase a larger junction box to provide the point to connect the new device, etc. etc.).  Additionally, I would lose a number of Nauti-On monitoring pioints that are independent of the Mercury system (i.e., bilges pumps, etc.).  Has Nauti-On system installed by BW now not supported by any method on my Conquest?  Any App or method to monitor the Nauti-On data?  Funny thing is if you got to Nauti-On (owned by Brunswick by the way) they don't support BW and tell you tyo go to the MyWhaler app.  The MyWhaler app doesn't appear to the Nauti-on stytem any longer.  Do I now have a Nauit-on system that's totally useless?