I am not an electronics expert, but I have figured out that vesselview updates can be downloaded to a microSD card installed in the simrad card slot. After the download is
I like the idea of the micro SD card extender. I just ordered extenders. Two for the Simrad slots and one for the vesselview slot. Should make the updating process much easier. Ptmclaughlin, do you leave the extension cord in place permanently??
The SD card won't "pop out", but the tension release will allow it to partially eject. You will then have a sufficient edge to grasp with your fingers or tweezers.
Yes, we have the same challenge on a SDX290 OB. Here is the trick:Do your best to get your upper torso into the storage space. With your left hand, reach in and pull the rubber water seal tab OFF of the unit. It will come off with a firm tug. The...
I have also tried placing the tow rope on top of the bimini. This configuration places too much downward pressure on the rear portion of the frame and rubs the fabric also. I read the posting from the other comment about releasing the snap hinge on...