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Has anyone purchased a replacement...

Guest Contributor

Has anyone purchased a replacement cord for their Northstar 100 hand unit from Max Marine Electronics?  They advertise replacement cords for $199.00 and claim installation is fairly straight forward.


Guest Contributor
I just ordered one that arrives next week. I had it sent to the yard. I will let you know what the mechanic says when he tries it out next werk.

Guest Contributor

Could you tell me where you bought it?.   I need the hanset for my Northstar NS100 (discontinued. The factory closed )

Handset NS1000.JPG


Guest Contributor
my mechanic says they are not compatible...the wiring is unshielded? I hope is wrong cause I need one...keep us updated.

Guest Contributor
Will Do

Guest Contributor
Great Thanks

Guest Contributor
I need one also. Let us know. Thanks

Guest Contributor
Need one as well. Thanks everyone

Guest Contributor
Did you receive the new cord for your radio? If so did it work? Regards

Sent from the all new AOL app for Android

On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 1:00 AM, Sea Ray Owners Club wrote: @media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv6636968566 html {}#yiv6636968566 table.yiv6636968566container {width:100% !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566callToAction, #yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566callToAction td, #yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566button .yiv6636968566text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566button {width:96 !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566button, #yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonWide, #yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv6636968566 td.yiv6636968566buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv6636968566 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566square {border-radius:10%;}}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv6636968566 table.yiv6636968566container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen { _filtered {}}#yiv6636968566 a, #yiv6636968566 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6636968566 img {display:block;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv6636968566 table {border-collapse:collapse;}I just ordered one that arrives next week. I had it sent to the yard. I will let you know what the mechanic says when he tries it out next werk.

I just ordered one that arrives next week. I had it sent to the yard. I will let you know what the mechanic says when he tries it out next werk.

Has anyone purchased a replacement cord for their Northstar 100 hand unit from Max Marine Electronics?  They advertise replacement cords for $199.00 and claim installation is fairly straight forward.

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800 South Gay Street, Suite 1200, Knoxville, TN

Guest Contributor
any results on the chord

Guest Contributor
Yes, works fine.

Guest Contributor
Awesome. Thx I will order one.

Sent from the all new AOL app for Android

On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 2:37 PM, Sea Ray Owners Club wrote: @media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv9010673436 html {}#yiv9010673436 table.yiv9010673436container {width:100% !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436callToAction, #yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436callToAction td, #yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436button .yiv9010673436text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436button {width:96 !important;}#yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436button, #yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436buttonWide, #yiv9010673436 a.yiv9010673436buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv9010673436 td.yiv9010673436buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv9010673436 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436square {border-radius:10%;}}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv9010673436 table.yiv9010673436container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen { _filtered {}}#yiv9010673436 a, #yiv9010673436 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9010673436 img {display:block;}#yiv9010673436 .yiv9010673436preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv9010673436 table {border-collapse:collapse;}Yes, works fine.

Yes, works fine.

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Has anyone purchased a replacement cord for their Northstar 100 hand unit from Max Marine Electronics?  They advertise replacement cords for $199.00 and claim installation is fairly straight forward.

Sent from the all new AOL app for Android

On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 1:00 AM, Sea Ray Owners Club wrote: @media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv6636968566 html {}#yiv6636968566 table.yiv6636968566container {width:100% !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566callToAction, #yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566callToAction td, #yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566button .yiv6636968566text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566button {width:96 !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566button, #yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonWide, #yiv6636968566 a.yiv6636968566buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv6636968566 td.yiv6636968566buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv6636968566 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566square {border-radius:10%;}}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv6636968566 table.yiv6636968566container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen { _filtered {}}#yiv6636968566 a, #yiv6636968566 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6636968566 img {display:block;}#yiv6636968566 .yiv6636968566preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv6636968566 table {border-collapse:collapse;}I just ordered one that arrives next week. I had it sent to the yard. I will let you know what the mechanic says when he tries it out next werk.

I just ordered one that arrives next week. I had it sent to the yard. I will let you know what the mechanic says when he tries it out next werk.

Has anyone purchased a replacement cord for their Northstar 100 hand unit from Max Marine Electronics?  They advertise replacement cords for $199.00 and claim installation is fairly straight forward.

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800 South Gay Street, Suite 1200, Knoxville, TN

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800 South Gay Street, Suite 1200, Knoxville, TN