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1989 340, drawers under v-berth...

Guest Contributor

1989 340, drawers under v-berth have a plastic guide that the grooves on the sides of drawers go into.  Where do I find replacements as mine are breaking from age.


Guest Contributor
I had a 390EC withthe same drawer guides. I decided to make new onws out of King Starboard to aviod a do-over if new plastic ones.

Sea Ray hasn't used the plastic guides for about 20 year, but you could contact Customer Service in Knoxville and ask someone to look up your build record and see if you can get a vendor name and part number.

"We don't have that info any more" isn't an acceptable answer........the build records on all boats is in the BBG main frame on the CS representitive's desk.

Guest Contributor
What is King Starboard?

Guest Contributor
I just looked it up. Yes, I can make a new guide that should works fine. Thanks.

Guest Contributor
Here is a link to some King PLastic down loads:

I've used it for years and love several characteristics like: it is dimensionally stable, has excellent tensile strength, Works easily on all conventional wood working tools and cutters like table saws, routers, shapers, and edge jointers. If you are careful and go slow, you can even cut plugs and plug countersunk screw heads,....try it you will love working with Starboard.

The down side is it gets expensive fpor larger projects.