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I just purchased a 2005 280 Sundancer!...

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I just purchased a 2005 280 Sundancer! it does not have a cooler under the sink outside. Any good suggestions for a reasonable priced cooler that is easy to grab a beverage of choice out of?


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We had the 280 that came with a cooler. Cooler didn't have a plug and was not easy to reach in and use. We ditched the whole idea and bought an Igloo "Cube" with wheels and a plug. It fit nicely between the two back seats against the wall (did take up floor room so seating was a little tighter but was much easier to use.

Guest Contributor
Great idea. Maybe I can velcro it were the table goes and call it a coffee table me😁. Thanks

Guest Contributor
Have the same issue. What size cooler fits under the sink. Thx

Guest Contributor
I'm sorry but I don't know. Ours was a 2004 and the cooler is long gone. If I had to guess looking at the igloo site it's this one...

Guest Contributor
And I miss commented on the cube cooler. We have the one with wheels now and it's a little larger. I think the one we got for the 280 was this one... NOTE it will NOT fit under the sink...

Guest Contributor
Don't bother, use the space for storage. We just put ice in the aft sink of the wetbar (it uses an expandable plug). Surprisingly enough ice will stay there through the weekend, and you don't have to get down on your knees and drag the cooler out every time someone someone wants a cola.