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In-water dockage in Florida waters

Guest Contributor
Just moved to Ft. Lauderdale from Boston.  We have a 2013 250 SLX single 300 Mercruiser I/O.  We have an in-water dock and have hull scraped of barnicles monthly.  Lately having over heating isssue - replaced impeller, still goes into safety mode so line could have pieces of old impeller, could be manifolds, maybe sensor...anyway..question maintenance service said boat should not be stored in water - need lift or dry storage (we know that would be preferrable but we have a dock) the guy said FL waters will rot out components and start to eventually leak.  We had boat in ocean in Boston 6 months a year with no issues.  I know water warmer and more salinic here but what are best ways to maintain a boat like ours in the water in FL?  We use the 1 - 3 times per week.  Thanks.