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Hi all, just bought an 89 Sundancer...

Guest Contributor

Hi all, just bought an 89 Sundancer with twin 4.3s.  It's a project!  How do I know what stern/outdrives it was originally equipped with?  The casings don't have any visible markings!? 路♀️


Guest Contributor
All the V6 powered Sea Rays back then had Alpha 1 outdrives. Believe it or not, Mercury Marine is very helpful when it comes to information on older engines and outdrives. You could give them serial numbers and they could tell you what the boat came with. If you have an engine serial number, they could tell you about the outdrives.

Guest Contributor
Thanks Jordan. I appreciate your response. You are correct, they are Alpha 1s and the 4.3LX. Only had the boat since Saturday and slowly digging in. From what I've found online, I think they are 1.84 gears in the drives. I've found service manuals online 😁 This will be a big project.

Guest Contributor
Good luck with the project. There are plenty of resources online to help you.