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My boat is a 1995 450 Sundancer....

Guest Contributor

My boat is a 1995 450 Sundancer. It is my 2nd Searay, of the 5 boats that I previously owned. I have boated for over 26 years most of which has been in the Georgian Bay/Lake Huron/UP Michigan area. In my experience the Sundancer is the easiest boat to anchor out of all of them. I have 200' of chain as well as a spade anchor and have never had an issue. Unlike some of the old plough anchors i have had.

We anchor out 95% of the time, weather permitting, wind direction isn't really an issue as there are so many anchorages to choose from you just determine the wind and wave direction and then go where it isn't.

I prefer to swing on the hook but will when required drop a stern line or tie to shore.


Anyway just dropping my 2 cents into your forum.