After pontooning for the last 12 years my wife and I just purchased a very well maintained 360. I am curious about sleeping under gen power. The boat has two working C02 detectors. Any feedback or advice?
Zeke I have a local canvas guy that did my Bimini and cockpit enclosure last year. I am very happy with the work. I have an ‘02 360 and would be happy to let him template my boat for you.
Hey I graduated from 12 years of pontooning into a Sea Ray 360. Talk about a learning curve. Man or Woman I think most boaters can share some of the same frustrations. Don’t depend on your local Sea Ray dealer for everything. There is more than ...
I recently had this issue with my recently purchased boat with perfectly working GPS at time of sale. previous Owner told me it needed to be rebooted. Instructions were to detach the power wire under the console for 10 secs with a clear view of the...