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Hi Captains,  i just bought a new...

Guest Contributor

Hi Captains,  i just bought a new to me 2004 320 SD. when i pulled it out for storage i noticed it has different prop sizes 18x18 starboard 18x19 port.  does anyone know what the factory prop size should be or point me in the right direction for a sea ray prop chart. i want to make sure they both get tuned to factory size.


Rising Contributor
It is probably a 320DA, not a 320SD.

Here is the propeller matrix.

Guest Contributor
thanks wingless, for the propeller matrix. you are correct it's a 320DA . didn't think it looked right when i wrote it lol.. i'm hoping the prop shop can tweak the 18x18 to 18x19 . the RPM's were off slightly at WOT this should bring them closer. I'm guessing the last owner needed the prop in a hurry and couldn't wait for the the correct match or something along that line. thanks again for the help.

Guest Contributor
Reverse rotation is done in the ZF V drive . Gear ration is slightly different from forward to reverse. SeaRay compensates using slightly different prop.