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Hi I have a 2015 dancer it has...

Guest Contributor

Hi I have a 2015 dancer it has only been in the water two seasons April through October first season no water in the bilge s end of second season water in the bilge its not the bellows it completely dry up there it been at the dealer three times for this the first time they said it was the drain plug they reglassed it and said it was fixed they next two times it only takes water on when it at my dock not at the dealer any suggestions it’s completely enclosed and I have pics at twelve hours intervals of the water up to the middle of the drain plug and then covering the plug thanks 


Guest Contributor
So are you saying when you pick it up from the dealer you have a dry bilge, but when you get home it has water? Or is it dry when you moor at your pier and overnight (so to speak) while just sitting still, it takes on water.

Guest Contributor
Guys, Sea Ray does not make their engine room vents completely water proof. This has been a complaint of mine for years. I’ve had a 225, 270, and now I have a 370. All brand new. Water will leak through the vents in a driving rain or when your washing the boat if you vigorously spray around them. For what we spend on these boats, you’d think they would design better vents. It’s stupid. Don’t believe me, go into your engine room and have someone close the hatch. Look around, you’ll be surprised how much daylight you’ll see. It’s obvious Sea Ray never intended them to be water tight.

My 2016 370 has cheap plastic catch pans that funnel the rain water back to a drain tube that goes to a scupper. But they are too small and shallow, so a driving rain or waves splashes the water right over them. Stupid heh?