05-23-2022 05:43 AM
Answer to stiff steering. I have a 1989 Sea Ray Weekender 230. The steering had gotten very stiff until I ran it on the water for a while then it would free up. Somewhere along the line I read about a fix and it worked like a charm. First thing I did was to flush the steering system with fresh clean power trim and steering fluid. I did this by sucking the old fluid out of the pump then filling it, then running the engine for about 5 min. I did this this three times moving the steering back and forth each time. I used about 3 quarts of power trim and steering fluid. Next I moved the steering all the way over to Port where the steering cable slide tube was all the way out. I cleaned it off, greased it with a high quality grease and problem solved. I went from very hard steering to one finger steering. Simple Maintenace goes a long way.