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Anyone have a recommendation on...

Guest Contributor

Anyone have a recommendation on how to add Bluetooth to a CMD5 radio?


Guest Contributor
Check Amazon for Bluetooth adaptors you can plug into stereo inputs. Then sync your phone to it. Not too difficult.

Guest Contributor
your right was able to get this working. Problem was that at first I couldn't locate the RAC jacks for the AUX. Now using Fusion MS-BT100 Bluetooth Dongle. Thanks

Guest Contributor
IF you have not purchased the Fusion yet - something to know. IF YOUR RADIO IS NOT HARDWIRED FOR POWER ALL OF THE TIME, the fusion does NOT maintain the pair. You have to re-pair EVERY TIME the radio does not have power. We thought we could work with it, BUT, After 1 season, we realized what a "pain" it was to re-pair every time we turn the boat off and put it in accessory mode. We bought a " Premium Marine Bluetooth 4.0 + Aptx Music Receiver made by Exile Audio. Sells on Amazon for $54.99. Works like a dream. Did not "re-pair" all summer. I have a Fusion 100 for sale cheap 🙂

Guest Contributor
wish I had seen your post sooner, just installed the Fusion and put the boat in for the winter. I made a note and will see how it goes next season.

Guest Contributor
Sorry - . If your radio has constant power (for memory purposes), it should maintain a pair. Sad day when we put our boats away for the "winter".