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Bent trim tabs: Both tabs are bent on the outside from being forked out of the water while they were down. Any suggestion on how this will impact performance? I'll be taking the boat out tomorrow to test.

Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor
They need to be replace, and paid for by the guy that didn't know how to use the forks.

Rising Contributor
On my 2000 380DA each trim tab is retained to the hull w/ eight screws and retained to the actuator w/ two screws.

My bench press is VERY handy for flattening bent stuff and for bending straight stuff.

Guest Contributor
It is the on the captain to raise your trim tabs when you bring your boat to the marina. the forklift operator cannot see them under water. They should be raised as soon as you come off plane. Most marinas have signs telling you to confirm they are up near the fork lift

Guest Contributor
Thanks for the replies. The faults on me. I was asking about performance and I have seen no change in that.

Guest Contributor
Suggestion: If you have Bennett tabs, the Bennett's have an option to auto retract the tabs every time ignition is turned off. The new LED tab position indicators have this function built in. I, just last week, installed the LED indicator on my '95 220 Overnighter sig select and it works flawlessly.

I bought the 220, with 500 hours on it and a 7.4L Bravo three, 3 weeks ago and everything was as originally installed. Like a "new" 27 year old boat. Modernization is a wonderful thing.