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hi everyone. i've had my 2017 270...

Guest Contributor

hi everyone. i've had my 2017 270 SDX for about a month now.  loving it!  but i am sort of confused with how to use the mats on the deck in the cockpit and bow.  do you guys keep them in place at all times? or only when you will be barefoot?  it is not go barefoot weather yet in the northeast.  do you take them off when fishing?  can they get very wet or will that cause mold to grow when the canvas is on? do you take them off to dry?  is it easier to just scrub and hose down the deck than to get stains out of the mats?  any advice would be appreciated. 


Guest Contributor
Do you have the infiniti vinyl mats or carpet? I have the vinyl mats with a rubber backing and i leave mine in 100% of the time. Every time i clean my boat i take them out and pressure wash them. I have not had any issues with mold. Can't speak for carpet owners.

Guest Contributor
If you have the infiniti carpet, be careful with the edging\seams if you powerwash. It seems the edging can fray easily.

Guest Contributor
thanks guys. i have the mats with the rubber backing

Guest Contributor
I've got carpet in my 270 and leave it in all season. Take it out for winter storage. No issues.

Guest Contributor
I have the Infiniti carpet and leave it in all the time except when washing the boat. I've had the standard carpet before, and found it gets very musky if you don't let it fully dry before covering the boat. The Infiniti carpet drys very fast and I've had no issue with it.