2018 SDX 270 with watersports arch/tower. I’m looking at adding tower speakers, notices the rubber grommets in the arch, wondering if they come from the factory ore-wired.
Lot of folks have a monster tower up here. You’ll have to measure for firmament and make sure that the tow point on the arch is far enough back that you get good stability while pulling still. Goes without saying- do not pull a tube from the tower. ...
Is he treating the water when he adds it? The potable water system in a boat is an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Warm, dark, slow moving etc. make sure it’s being treated every time. A little bleach works for us- as above.
The fuel gauges in a boat like this will never be completely accurate- levels will read differently based on the pitch and lean of the boat. That being said, the transducer probably need to be calibrated on the simrad. Perhaps try this?
Remove the gauges, replace the entire section with a Go 7 or 9 exs. With the correct adapters you’ll get all instruments on the display. Any decent marina can glass in a new enclosure or make one out of smoked plexi.