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Hello All, I have a 2006 sundancer...

Guest Contributor

Hello All, I have a 2006 sundancer 260. The boat is very hard to balance-as it tips way too much. Does anyone know any tricks with the trim tabs?  


Rising Contributor
The "easy" option is to do a quick switch bump, then wait for the result. Follow w/ additional similar bumps.

A more involved fix is to change from the existing manual dual switch control to an automatic attitude control.

Also check the fluid reservoir for proper fluid level.

Guest Contributor
I have a 250 with the same problem. The switch bumps help, but I also tilt the engine up to get the bow up. It digs into the water too much.

Guest Contributor
I had a 2007 260, the boat will list to the starboard side correct? It's a bad hull design. I know some people added weights in the bilge to correct it. Or you can do this, a Marinemax captian showed me, as soon as the boat planes off trim motor up to about 4or 5 that will help the listing, then bump the trim tab for the side needed, wait for it to correct then bump again if needed.

Guest Contributor
lance, you hit it on the head. poor hull design. Sometimes the boat will tilt, what feels like 30 degrees to one side.

Guest Contributor
Agree with all. I have a 2005 260 and found that all the suggestions above combined have worked for me over the years. However, I did not add any additional weights to the boat.

Guest Contributor
I have a 2006 260 sundancer. rolls a lot. mine seems to list to port. Seem to always have to bump staboard tab

Guest Contributor
Mine is a 240, even worst. Try to use one trim only to raise it up. Using two trims could make things worst especially in high power due to p-factor.