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I have two VHF radios for sale. ...

Guest Contributor

I have two VHF radios for sale.  The first one is the original radio that came in my 05 SeaRay 270 Amberjack.  Its a Raymarine DSC 215 VHF with a like-new microphone (Raymarine rebuilt it last fall).  The other radio is a Raymarine DSC52 compact VHF. Contact me if you are interested and I will send photos. Both work and are in excellent condition. I upgraded my electronics and added an  AIS equipped radio.  If you want to keep your SeaRay original the DSC215 is perfect. The DSC52 is a nice backup or primary.  Both radios have NMEA183 capability and will integrate with your GPS and/or chartplotter.  [email protected]


Guest Contributor
Will this work in a 340? Can you send pics to 864-430-6114? How much?

Guest Contributor
Both radios have been sold.