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2012 Sea Ray Sundancer 280 transom...

Guest Contributor

2012 Sea Ray Sundancer 280 transom shower has no water coming out with fresh water pump on and shower head removed.  Does not appear to be kinked.  Also, zero water coming out....seems like there would be a bit if just a kink.  So if not a kink and not the shower head?? Any ideas?  Thanks


Guest Contributor
Is water coming out of all the other locations, sink, bathroom etc? If so, keep backtracking to the water pump to see where it is being restricted.

Guest Contributor
if nothing coming out from other location and you hear the pump going, your line may be empty and the pump is drawing air. Just plug in the shore water and back fill the line thru the pump until you believe the water reaches the tank. It should work then.

Guest Contributor
Clean the screen on the intake of your water pump. There gets a slime on it and stops the flow of the water through the system. Happens to mine at the start of the season.