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hi i have a 2000 380 sundancer...

Guest Contributor

hi i have a 2000 380 sundancer and my raypilot 650 auto helm stop working after i try to use it  in the display it sets no drive alarm any suggestions or diagnostic help would be greatly appreciated


Rising Contributor
It's had a long good run.

If a connection check doesn't fix the problem, then the new autopilot devices are infinitely superior. The self-learning gyro-stabilized auto pilot computers provide much better helm control. On mine I also have a wireless remote that is great for boat operation.

Rising Contributor
It is best to keep it as one topic...

waycoolcars - where should i start with connection checks?

Start w/ the autopilot manual, linked below.

The connections all go to the course computer. Locate that course computer. Start w/ the basics, like verification of power in and power out to the drive motor. There may also be an external switch enable, for dash panel on/off control.

There are fine wire connections for the rudder reference, the Raypilot control head Seatalk and the fluxgate compass into the course computer terminal strip. Verify all those connections are sound.

The course computer may also have internal fuses. Verify all those are sound.

Guest Contributor
I just replaced mine with a new R70s. It was fairly cheap and really easy to install. Depending on what model course computer you have operation should be the same.

Guest Contributor
hi i cant find a R70S raymarine for sale and where is the course computor located?

Guest Contributor
I just replaced my 650 with an R70S. I bought the R70S from You can easily find the course computer because it is connected to your 650. Just trace the wire. It is almost assuredly under your dash.

Guest Contributor
One thing to remember. The R70s does not work entirely with all course computers. It actually will not allow for heading alignment with my course computer. It just so happened that when I plugged it in, it had the correct heading. What model course computer do you have?

Rising Contributor
On my 2000 380DA the course computer is in the large "sealed" compartment to the right of the helm, hidden by the large screwed-on open surface storage bin. Mine is screwed to the vertical wall in the aft of that large compartment.

Shortly after I purchased my boat 15 years ago I tossed the original multifunction display and installed the new-at-the-time E120, now called classic E120. It required some customization of the dash to fit, but is and all the other upgraded electronics have been a solid performer.

Guest Contributor
does the E120 work with your old course computer? and do you have a picture of your helm with the new unit installed as i have the same boat as you?

Rising Contributor
The classic E120 might have worked w/ the original autopilot course computer, but I tossed all the original electronics and installed all-new electronics.

Those electronics from over a decade ago are also obsolete by today's standards. I wouldn't install the classic E120 onto a boat today and would instead do a wholesale swap to all new current-technology electronics.

The issue w/ the 2000 380DA was that the dash was designed for the electronics at the time. The display units were tall and narrow. The current ones are shorter and wide.

What I did was to hand-sculpt a panel of 3/4" Starboard to become a "cork" that fit into the rounded edges of the helm display cavity. The top surface of my 3/4" Starboard "cork" sat flush w/ the top edge of the helm display cavity, so the classic E120 would fit.

Also, my autopilot helm control head and my new radio didn't fit w/ the existing openings, so I made a panel to cover the existing and support the new.

These have been working great for over a decade.
