Isn't the water heater under the mid stateroom lower cushion?
If so, then that 16" square is huge. I would be very surprised if it fit.
Examine the available space. On my 2000 380DA the water heater is accessed by partial disassembly of that mid stateroom cushion / mechanism. Mine has all the fittings on one end, port side.
An 11 gallon water heater is a very large amount. Why so much hot water? For multiple showers (family) on mine w/ a 6 gallon water heater, I run the generator for about an hour before then during use. The showers are get wet / water off / get soapy / water on / rinse / water off then done. It works w/o running out of hot water.
If lots of hot water is required, then plumb into the engine for the heat exchanger. If going that route ensure a safety tempering valve is part of the system to prevent scalding.