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I have a 2003 Amberjack 290 with...

Guest Contributor

I have a 2003 Amberjack 290 with Progress 1 Windlass issues.  Have 20' of 5/16" chain and 140' of 5/8" 3 strand nylon rode.  Issues with the gypsy not able to keep enough pressure on the rode when retrieving the anchor.  I replaced the Pressure finger with an aftermarket unit from P2 Marine (Lofrans does not sell parts for this unit as it is discontinued).  That did not help.   Replacing the whole unit with the Progress 1000 is over my budget.


I am now considering replacing the chain and rode (which are original) and am looking for recommendations.  I want to go with 30' of chain and 200' of rode.  Debating whether to use 3-strand, 8-plait or double braided solutions to improve the grip on the gypsy and pressure finger.  Anyone have experience/recommendations as to which rode to go with?


Guest Contributor
I had the same issue with my previous boat 290 and after replacing the thumb I still had to send some to the bow or myself and hold pressure on the thumb to retrieve the rope, the chain was fine so I replaced with all chain.

Guest Contributor
I have the same problem with my 340 Amberjack. I changed the pressure finger and the springs several times but nothing works. I still have to go to the bow and put my foot against the pressure finger. Lofrans doesn’t make the gypsy wheel anymore. Finally I put any100’ of chain on.

Guest Contributor
Thanks for the feedback. All chain sounds interesting. What is a good ratio of chain to depth? Suggested 7:1 for standard rode, what is your experience with all chain?

Guest Contributor
I am on lake Erie so I have 100' of chain and 100 ft of rope the deepest area by me is only 55' but we are anchoring typically in 10-20 ft so this works well for me which gives me 4:1

Guest Contributor
I was hoping for a good answer here for my 04 Sundancer 260. I went back to chain and if it goes to the rope, I pull by hand. Helpful tip I learned the hard way: don't brace your foot against the searchlight. 😄