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Trailer Position

Guest Contributor
Bought my first boat in January.  2006 Sundeck 270.  It came with a 2006 Load Rite tandem axle trailer.  I've spent a lot of time testing different ball height positions to adjust for tounge weight but still getting swaying just above 60mph.  I'm at 700 pounds tounge weight  and if I lower the ball any more I'm too close to the ground and the trailer is no longer level.  I'm thinking the boat needs to be positioned further forward on the trailer but not sure how much further.  Is there a meathod for calculating where on the trailer the boat should be?  I took the entire rig to the truck stop to weigh it.  Using a Ford Expedition that has a front axle weight of 3,240 and rear axle of 3200.  With boat attached I go to 3020 on front axle, 3900 on rear axle and the tandem trailer axles are at 7920 with a gross weight of 14,840.