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We purchased a 2000 Sea Ray Sundancer...

Guest Contributor

We purchased a 2000 Sea Ray Sundancer 290. The Norcold fridge DE-451 does not shut off at temp so is freezing everything 😞  Trying to find a replacement fridge (was told that fridge is no longer made - of course) but have gotten 3 different answers for replacement fridges.  Was told the DE-751 (which I can not find to purchase anywhere).  I do see NR-751's.  Does anyone know a reputable Norcold dealer that might know the exact replacement fridge?  Much appreciated! 


Rising Contributor
Maybe the thermostat contact is welded closed. Has it been examined to determine the problem to see if repair is possible?

Guest Contributor
Thanks wingless. Will check that out first. I found out that the actual replacement fridge "might" be the NR751 but not one dealer could be 100% positive. lol Unreal.

Rising Contributor
A lot has changed in the 16 years since the boat was manufactured, except the 'fridge opening dimensions.

When my Nevercold DE-0061 died I replaced it w/ an Isotherm CR187. The construction quality of the Isotherm is superior. It also has the Danfoss compressor.

Guest Contributor
Sick fridge! How I wish we could fit one that large! Nice 🙂

Rising Contributor

Yes, I had to disassemble everything at the salon entrance to remove the old and install the new.

It is funny to hear the uninformed discuss how the fridge must be placed into the salon before the top and bottom are mated together...

Guest Contributor
wire a thermostat in and save your money

Guest Contributor
I spoke to Norcold and they told me I couldn't order a new thermostat for that fridge because it wasn't made anymore. (of course lol). We got the NR751 (the one 5 people told me it was the replacement fridge). $900 and does not fit. Too deep so sticks out. Now we have to build a frame around it. I guess it is what it is. The guy behind us had the same problem and built it in. doens;t look horrible so we'll keep it and go from here, Thanks!

Rising Contributor
It is too bad that the replacement doesn't fit.

Where does it hit? Is the interference at the bottom, where the hull slopes up? How thick is the required spacer frame?

When I installed my Isotherm it stuck out over 1" from the cabinet. That was unacceptable to me. I modified the salon cabinet interior and I modified the new 'fridge, now it slides right in w/o issues.

Is any of that possible in your case? Can images be provided showing the problem?

Guest Contributor
can you take a picture to post of the fridge and the controls area? i would then be able to get you a Grainger part number

Guest Contributor
by the way i am an industrial refrigeration guy for the last 30 years

Guest Contributor
I had an issue like that and it was the thermistor...

Guest Contributor
I have a thermistor for sale, new $ 30 Canadian, email me [email protected]

Guest Contributor
@wingless that is exactly where it hits. It doesn't seem possible to modify the interior much and with frame it doesn't look as bad as I thought , It's not interfering in any doors or anything so just going with it. I want to be out on the water and done with it. I will take pics if we head down tonight.

Rising Contributor
What about modifying the bottom rear of the 'fridge frame to eliminate the interference?

Got an image?

Rising Contributor
Here is the NR751 from the front.

It MIGHT be possible to modify the frame to eliminate the interference at the bottom rear.

Got an image of the bottom rear?

Rising Contributor
Are the condenser coils on the bottom? Does it use fans to force cooling air over the coils? Where is the air intake for that cooling air?

Guest Contributor
Again forgot to snap pics, but was actually able to cut the corner of the frame and a little cut on the cabinet and finally in and flush. Thanks all for the input. Appreciated.

Rising Contributor
That is great!

A little effort and thought results in a finished appearance, instead of the Rube Goldberg projects that are commonplace.

Thanks for the update.