10-16-2020 07:29 PM
I have a 2017 210 SPX Mercury150 Outboard. A mechanic recommended I install a trim limiter, so when I trim up (max) the steering bar on the back of the outboard engine doesn't keep hitting the fiberglass of the boat and damage the steering bar mechanism over time.
I noticed searay installed a grey block piece on that part of the boat so it hits that and not the fiberglass itself.. However, the mechanic says it should never hit the grey block piece either.
Has anyone experienced this, is this of concern and would they recommend getting this installed?
I purchased this boat brand new in 2017, so I am confused why Searay wouldn't already have installed a trim limiter for brand new boats if this could break the steering bar mechanism over time on trimming up?
10-18-2020 04:39 AM
10-18-2020 08:03 AM