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I recently purchased a 2011 223SLX,...

Guest Contributor

I recently purchased a 2011 223SLX,  it has a through the hull transducer from what I can tell and the dealer seemed to think the standard gauges would show the depth but neither he nor I could find that anywhere.  Any suggestions?


Rising Contributor
Welcome to the forum.

What cannot be found anywhere?

Guest Contributor
The water depth. He seemed to think it would be shown somewhere as I scrolled through the settings on the gauge but we couldn’t find it anywhere.

Rising Contributor
A 2011 223SLX was not located.

Is that the correct model? What is the boat length?

Guest Contributor
Sorry about that, it’s the 230 SLX. I had a boat before that had 223 in it.

Rising Contributor
Here is the manual for that boat.

It does not include instructions for the Quad Gauge at the helm.

The partial wiring diagram in the manual does not show the depth transducer.

It may require a brute force method to discover what is on the boat and to create your own documentation.

Examine that Quad Gauge to see what wires are connected. Examine the depth transducer and see where the far end of the wires are connected.