looking for info and help on cool...
looking for info and help on cool fuel module on a 2005 8.1 mercruiser in a Sea ray 340 thanks.
looking for info and help on cool fuel module on a 2005 8.1 mercruiser in a Sea ray 340 thanks.
I have a 300 Sundacer. I’m experiencing fuses popping out of the aft EMI each outing about midway through the cruise. I can only reset them once cooled down overnight. Has anyone experienced this?
Have a 2004 Sea Ray 260 Sundancer and would like to install a generator as inexpensive as possible. Perhaps a carryon. Any suggestions?
I have a 2004 280 Sundancer and I plan on adding a Garmin GPSMAP 742xs. Has anyone had any experience with installing an In-Hull transducer inside the bilge? If so, what results did you get?
I have a 2004 300 Sundancer. Does anyone have experience with replacing the Clarion AM/FM CD XMD3 radio that was factory installed in the boat? The processor in mine appears to be fried. there is power to the CD changer so the fuse is ok, but the rad...
I plan on installing a windlass on my 2007 Sundancer 280. Can anyone tell me if the windlass switches in the multi-function panel at the helm and the breaker are already connected? I see blue and green wire connectors stubbed off in the anchor locker...
Where is the trim tab fluid reservoir on a 340 Sundancer or similar model.
I have a 2009 350 sundancer with axius the other day smart craft alarm came up portside motor not communicating. I lost steering portside drive stuck in one position has anyone had this problem?
2007 260 Dancer starting to slip going into forward gear. 650 hours. Prop turns but really doesn't engage until I throttle up slightly. I'm told that sometimes this can be remedied by adjusting shift cable. Do I need the sea ray cable adjustment to...
2003 340 Sundancer, my generator will start but quits running after just a minute or so. New impeller on water pump and it's pumping good, Full tank gas. Any ideas?