Note that the "experts" say to disassemble a brand new 'fridge, disassemble the old 'fridge and use perimeter spacers so the 'fridge extends into the salon, away from the cabinets.
None of that "expert" advice was followed for my installation.
Note that the 'fridge is installed at an angle to the wall w/ the salon pocket door. That makes the left depth dimension critical, because that back corner hits first.
One terrific thing about the CR 187 is that it permitted installation into a sealed box, w/ both the cooling air and the heat exhaust dumping out the front.
The 380DA has a convoluted 'fridge heat exhaust path, pulling up from under the 'fridge floor, behind the 'fridge, behind the TV above the 'fridge, then exiting through the grill aft of the port window.
Many users have discarded the tube TV / VCR, then crammed stuff into that "huge" volume above the 'fridge, killing that convoluted cooling path, hurting the OEM Nocool 'fridge.