My 2009 Sundancer 310 says joystick not available on vessel view. Anyone know how to clear this alarm?
My engine hatch lift and anchor lift buttons are right next to each other. While removing my anchor, I accidently pressed the engine hatch lift while 5-6 people were sitting on it. I'm pretty positive I've tripped a fail safe breaker, but I can't l...
looking for a good (best) canvas shop in Fort Myers/Naples area. any help would be nice. reviews online all seem mixed
Going down to change transmission fluid to my 1998 500 DA. There's just that nut at the front of transmission. Any thoughts on how to do it so it's not a fluid (sh()t show)?
Hidoes anyone know wherethe windlass breaker is for this boat? I can't believe it's not noted anywhere.
I want to install a bow roller/Anchor Windless on my 2011 240 Sundancer. Apparently this was an option available on the 2011, but I have not found the OEM parts on this. Has anyone installed a bow roller/windless on a 240?
Is the ski pylon removable on the 21 SPX OB?
I have a dometic PML 500L water pump that cools my Cruisair Air conditioner. I hear the pump running but there is no water flow. I think the impeller is fouled. This happened a couple of years ago and I watched the technician clean it off and then re...
Thank You all for the Parts purchase suggestions!!I will check them out!PGK