Windshield wiper replacement
Can someone tell me how we access our starboard windshield wiper motor for our 1998 Sea Ray 310 Sundancer?Thanks!!
Can someone tell me how we access our starboard windshield wiper motor for our 1998 Sea Ray 310 Sundancer?Thanks!!
Does anyone have a suggestion for a shatter proof wine tumbler? I tried yeti and the metallic taste was unbearable. I’m looking for something that will preferably fit in the round cupholders on my Sea Ray 350.
O2 Sensor Warning - anyone else having issues? - I have 2019 290 SDX and the low throttle Fuel Pump failed. Mercury sent a new pump and my dealer installed it; however, now the O2 Sensor warning is going off. Dealer thinks it might be the sensor da...
I have a 1992 searay center console that has a leaking gas tank . Question How to remove ? Does the console haveto be removed? Thanks J B
I have two, 3116 Cats.One of them is down and I am 5 hours from my home marina. Is it safe to travel with one? I am on the St Johns river
On 2016 370 DA the aluminum pole that supports the cockpit teak table gets stuck in the base every time. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? I shouldn’t have to remove the base everytime to hammer out the tube.
Hi, I have a 2007 Sundancer 260 and the air conditioner fan won’t turn on. The water pump works fine. Unit is about 4 years old. Any help is appreciated.
For a 2005 340 Sundancer with a RayMarine 215 VHF radio that no longer works, what is everyone replacing it with that fits the same cutout in the dash? Thanks !!! And same plug & play connections if possible. So I can do this swap out myself. If I ...
I am the newest member. I need help. Bought a 98 Sundancer 250. I can do my own work but need some kind of repair manual. I just cant find one. The boat is in good shape but I want to know it inside and out. Took me two weeks to figure out basi...
I have a 96 sea ray 290 sun dancer any time it rains I get water in the aft cabin anyone have this problem?