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One more question guys... on my...

Guest Contributor

One more question guys... on my 17’ spx 190. On the ski locker lid i noticed somebody dropped or stepped on something and i have 2 quarter size circle cracks where you can push and see a little movement.  I did notice from the top suface to the bottom of the lid it seems there is a gap in between. To prevent those spots from ever pushing all the way through what are yalls thoughts if i were to get low expansion foam and try to re-enforce the spots. It would mean drilling a 1/4” hole in the lid from under neath which wouldnt be seen unless the lid was open but i could patch it best i could to make it not very noticable.  Would love to hear yalls thoughts


Guest Contributor
Personally, if you have a crack in the fiberglass, I’d get that fixed. This is likely in the non slip surface, so could be tough. Maybe replace the door or if you have carpet or some other cover, perhaps the repair will not show.