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Any idea of the range of a 2006...

Guest Contributor

Any idea of the range of a 2006 280? I used to take scientists out to the Farallone Islands, about 28 nm from the Golden Gate Bridge (in a sailboat). Would a 60 nm or so trip be possible? I will try out the 25 nm trip to Halfmoon Bay to try out (there's gas at Halfmoon Bay--there's no gas for sale on the Farallones), but any advice or know-how would be appreciated. Andy


Guest Contributor
I have a larger and older Sea Ray (1989 300DA) with 5.7L I/O's and figure about 1 sm/gallon at a 3000 rpm cruise speed which gives me some reserve. In reality, I can get about 180 miles on my 140 gallon capacity. Using the 1/3 rule, I'm usually looking for fuel at about 100 miles.

Guest Contributor
Thanks for the info. I'll be looking for something like that.