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Bilge pump switch on helm stuck at on position

Guest Contributor

Hello all. I have a 2004 Sundancer 340. The rubber switch for the bilge pump at the helm is stuck in the ‘on’ position with the green LED light on. It won’t turn off when I press it. Hence the pump is permanently running even though the bilge is dry. Does anyone have any advice about how to fix this. Worried that the bilge pump motor will burn out soon. I thought about turning off the main battery solenoid to stop it running but I have to raise the engine hatch to do this, and then can’t close the hatch (no power).


Rising Contributor
Welcome to the forum.

It is likely that the bilge pump is wired for continuous power, even with the batteries switched off.

The problem sounds like the float switch in the bilge is either stuck (most likely) or failed.

The helm switch should be two position, AUTO / ON, with auto controlled by the bilge float switch and on controlled by the helm. There should not be an off position.

Guest Contributor
Thanks for the quick response and guidance. You are correct in your assumption that the bilge pump can be set to either ‘auto’ or ‘on’. Actually, I’ve found that if I turn the starboard battery solenoid off to disconnect the battery, then the bilge pump turns off - not surprising given its lost power. I had also assumed that the float switch must be stuck, forcing continued running of the pump. However, the thing that is confusing me is that I can’t switch the pump from the ‘on’ position using the helm switch (green light on) to the ‘auto’ position (green light off). The green LED light remains permanently on. I’m not sure if the green light is wired to come on when the pump is activated in ‘auto’ mode, or if there is some other problem with the electrical circuit that is preventing me from turning the bilge pump to ‘auto’ mode (and turning the green light off). Any other thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

Rising Contributor
On my boat the green light is illuminated when the pump is powered, either from the helm switch or from the float switch.

Guest Contributor
Wineglass is correct, if the switch is in auto (off) and the float switch is tripped, the green light comes on until the water is pumped down & float switch resets. Must be a stuck/failed float switch...