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Re; 2003 Sundancer 320. My fresh...

Guest Contributor

Re; 2003 Sundancer 320. My fresh water system tank stops working when my tank is still 2/3 full. Pump runs-water spits out with lots of air . Fill the tank to the top and all is good until that 1st 1/3 tank is gone. Any ideas???


Rising Contributor
Welcome to the forum.

I'm trying to figure out how to fit in a glass half empty versus glass half full reference, but I'm coming up short...

Expose the tank and expose the pickup tube.

Either the pickup tube is out of position (steep angle versus vertical), or the tube is broken short (not reaching the bottom of the tank), or the pickup tube has a hole(s).

Please report the findings.

Guest Contributor
Fill tube was completely disconnected.

Rising Contributor
Wow! Thanks for the update.

Sounds like a big mess.

Good job on figuring out / fixing the problem!

Guest Contributor
Some say the glass is half full when they are filling it and half empty when their drinking from it. As long as there's enough beer to refill the glass, it will never be half empty.
Thanks again