Sppdometer not working
I just bought a 2012 Searay 185. I noticed the sppdometer was not working at all.Has anybody had this problem? Maybe a fuse? Thanks Paul in NH
I just bought a 2012 Searay 185. I noticed the sppdometer was not working at all.Has anybody had this problem? Maybe a fuse? Thanks Paul in NH
Any idea where I can order a hard copy owners manual for 2000 260 sundancerif poss the tote bag with the full lot in it
We have a 27' Sundeck. The screws on the swim platform have loosened or have fallen out. Has anyone experienced this?
I have a 2016 SD 260. I can't get the boat to plane. At full throttle I get to about 3100-3200 rpm and only achieve 12-13mph.engine seems to be running fine.Anyone else having this issue and have any suggestions?Thanks in advance
Air conditioner stopped working, showed a message that pressure was over 400...something like that.Could this be a plugged water filter? Is it easy to check? location? 2006 320 Sundancer Thanks!
Hello. I have a 1986 Sea Ray Weekender 300 and was looking for an explanation of how the fresh water system is configured. I have a 40 gallon pressurized system. There is a connection on the left side of the transom for a fresh water from the dock. H...
2015 250 SLX CarpetI put in Sea Dek and have original carpet and snaps if anybody wants it just pay me shipping and it is yours. Thanks
I have a 1999 Sundancer 400 and my "cherry wood" finish is becoming cloudy in spots. Any ideas on what is causing this, can it be "reversed", or how to prevent it from continuing. Thanks in advance.