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Hi All,I have 86 Sunrider, 350...

Guest Contributor

Hi All,

I have 86 Sunrider, 350 Mercrusier with Edelbrock 600 and electric fuel pump.

My boat completely died in the middle of the river. Docked after towing and took off air cleaner, primed with gas,, still wouldn't start. Fuel pump is silent, no gas seen in carb after pumping. Fuse is ok on pump and fairly new but not working. Any diagnoses would be appreciated . 



Rising Contributor
Back to the basics, fuel / air, compression and spark, all required and it will run.

The initial diagnosis of no fuel is a good place to start. Fix that problem, then see what happens. There MUST be normal fuel supply to and through the carburetor.

No fuel also fits w/ the symptom of a sudden stop of the engine.

It is unlikely (impossible) to lose two required systems (fuel and ignition) at the same time.

A fuel pressure gauge is a very handy (essential) tool.

Guest Contributor
Thanks Winglass, I'll. Be back at it today. Pretty sure that fuel pump may have loose wire as it's fairly new and no sound when key is on and no gas, clearly not working.

Guest Contributor
Oil pressure guage only reading six volts so it shut down electric fuel pump. For the time being bypassed that and back on the water.

Rising Contributor
Has the engine oil pressure been verified using a mechanical oil pressure gauge?

Guest Contributor
No, have not done that. Will put in a new oil pressure switch since fuel will not stop pumping while it's been bypassed.
Thanks, will try the mechanical gauge.

Guest Contributor
I would Replace your Fuel Filter and the one on the Carb.