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New member here. I was wondering...

Guest Contributor

New member here. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction?

I have a 1990 350/370 Express Cruiser. Water keeps coming out of the holes at the bottom of the arch. It only comes out on the port side, so I wouldn't think it's getting in on the top. I've caulked everything I can find topside. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how it's getting in. My best guess is along the windshield somewhere. Has anyone else seen or had this issue?


Guest Contributor
hi i have a 1994 express and on my starboard side water also drips out i think it comes from what ever little holes that are on the top antenna /rader// ect ect and drips down did u check all the little holes??

Guest Contributor
I have. It's definitely not coming in from above. Thanks