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Looking to connect with other owners...

Guest Contributor

Looking to connect with other owners of 37' or 38' Aft Cabins. Do you have diesel engines if so what brand and size? Looking for fuel consumption ratios: RPM's to MPH to GPH.


Also, anyone have an extended swim platform? Does it drag when going up on plane?


I recently purchased a 1997 370 Aft Cabin, previous owner repowered to twin Yanmars 350 hp.




Oliver Kugler - Elise's Journey Indian Shores, FL 


Guest Contributor
I have a '99 370 ac. I just bought it October of 2018. I don't have the fuel consumptions but would be interested in what you learn. I have two diesel Cats 3116 (300hp).
I also have an extended swim platform. It does drag and I feel like it effects its ability to get on plane. I feel like I am dragging a bit.