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I have a 2019 270 SDX. The windlass...

Guest Contributor

I have a 2019 270 SDX. The windlass stopped working and I had to retrieve anchor manually by hand. Any ideas? It was a strong wind, strong current day when it failed. Where are circuit breakers or fuses? Thanks in advance for any help


Rising Contributor
According to the Owner's Manual: "Power is fed from the house batteries to the main DC Breaker Panel. This panel feeds power to the Control Station, the DC Distribution Panel, and devices located in the bilge."

My guess is the main DC Breaker Panel has the windlass breaker and is located not far from the battery.

Rising Contributor
The windlass should not be used to drag the boat against the strong wind and current during anchor retrieval.

Use the engine(s) to aid the windlass so it is not being overloaded.

The windlass should not be used to hold the rode while anchored. Use a nearby cleat to secure the rode, holding the anchor instead of the windlass.

Rising Contributor
First thing, check the fuses/breakers, then all the connections. If that doesnt help, take a look inside your Solenoid up front by the motor. Clean it up and reassemble it/install it. Beyond that your getting into bigger issues and testing. I personally just had to replace my solenoid after taking the above steps. The link below is to an excellent site I used but it seems to be having issues. Good luck

Guest Contributor
2019 model year, short of resetting a breaker, I would be making an appointment with the dealer to get out repaired.

Wingless has good advice.

Guest Contributor
It was the breaker. I have to make sure that I don’t use the windlass to pull the boat towards the anchor. Thanks for your advice

I have this same issue. Where was the windlass breaker located on the 270 sdx?  Thank you 

Guest Contributor
Glad you got it sorted, remember the windlass is just a small winch with duty limits. The breaker will open if you run it under load for too long.

Guest Contributor
Never every use the winch to dislodge the anchor . If the anchor is stuck what you do is pay out more online And but the boat in forward gear and slowly move in the same direct in a 45 degree angle No more that 1,000 rpm that should loosen the anchor it also depends on what type of anchor